Customers of Slovenia’s Kontron (formerly known as Iskratel), a European sustainable fibre-access solutions provider, now have access to energy-efficiency declarations for all new broadband products. These publicly available declarations outline the products’ energy consumption and test methodology, offering credible figures aligned with the EU Code of Conduct on Energy Consumption of Broadband Equipment.
Simon Čimžar, CTO of Business Unit Broadband at Kontron, expressed, ‘’We are delighted to lead by example and continue our commitment to providing open and transparent communication about the energy consumption of our equipment, and helping reduce the overall carbon footprint throughout the product lifecycle. The results of the survey we conducted in Western Europe in 2022 reveal that more than 95 per cent of operators’ favour publishing data about energy efficiency of products and solutions, with five out of six respondents preferring vendors to use energy-efficiency labels. This calls for vendors to accept their responsibility in reducing their overall carbon footprint and to put an end to the confusion caused by the inconsistency of reporting power consumption of their broadband equipment.’’
The introduced energy-efficiency declarations complement the energy-efficiency labels pioneered by Kontron in 2022, marking a first in the telecom industry. These labels specify a product’s power consumption and compliance level with the EU Code of Conduct.
Kontron is dedicated to ensuring its broadband-access equipment adheres to the strict power consumption limits set by the EU Code of Conduct. Both the labels and declarations, designed for easy comprehension, are openly accessible on the company’s website.